Bachelor Monday Recap

17 01 2011

January 17th- the most depressing day of the year, also happened to fall on Bachelor Monday. Convenient.

Tonight’s Bachelor Drinking game words are: Open Up. (minds out of the gutter people…PG)

It was Brad’s week to tear down the walls of the women (with the help of his spiritual advisor/shrink) to get to know them better, and make them ‘open up’ to him. And they did… never fails, ask a woman to talk and she will. Simple as that.

First, He had a 1-1 date with the Nanny. She’s perky, cute, doesn’t add much to a conversation…so obviously, I think she’s a front runner. They go to a recording studio where they sing Seal songs, then listen to the real Seal sell a record…I mean, perform. It was a total coincidence that Seal happened to have special sentimental meaning to The Nanny… life is spontaneous like that.

She got a rose.

Next- the Group date. Another group filming session, where the girls got to act tough and wear spandex. There was a lot of high kicks and stolen kisses. And the Nutjob Michelle got her first kiss with Brad. So did a lot of other girls…much to her dismay. Yep, she’s this year’s creeper villain-ess… meaning, she’ll be sticking around for the next few weeks to keep it interesting.

Last, Blonde Emily got her one on one… and she needed it. You see, there’s something she hasnt told Brad, and it’ HEAVY stuff. The love of her life died in a plane crash, and left her with-child 5 years ago. yikes. Brad wonders why she hasnt ‘opened up’ (shot!) to him…but then regrets asking. Actually, he felt an ‘intense’ connection after hearing that, and now Emily is officially a front-runner, and shoo-in for the next Bachelorette if this doesnt work out.

The Rose Ceremony was a tall drink of drama. From Michelle stealing Brad, to girls threatening to leave, to one actually acting on it… it was lively. That’s right, The Fang girl decided to shed her ‘character’ and give up her time for other girls. To me, this is a selfless act that should be praised…but no doubt, she’ll be painted as a quitter. If this show is supposed to accurately portray the dating world (ha!) – sometimes, girls just arent that into you… enough to steal your time from girls who are crying into their pillows over you. It makes sense to me.

So… only 2 girls didn’t get a rose tonight… two blonde girls. He likes the dark haired ladies I’ve noticed. Remember, both of his final two girls from his last stint were dark… and he seems to be dropping the blondes like small change this season too.

An entertaining evening, enough to get me through the ‘most depressing‘ day of the year… it’s all uphill from here!




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