The Bachelor: week 2 recap

10 01 2011

Things are definitely starting to get into a Bachelor groove… it never takes long!
Oh, and Tonight’s drinking game words were: Birthday and Targeted … you’ll see what I mean if you keep reading….

There were 3 dates: 1 on 1, Group and 1 on 1.

The first 1 on 1 was with a cute blonde girl (the dentist) and Brad took her into a deserted clearing, flipped a switch and started a carnival just for the two of them. Creative. They seemed to have good chemistry, and Brad opened up’ about his past. Like I’ve predicted, the girl who gets the first 1 on1 is usually safe for awhile.

The group date was a big, fat, Bachelor style mess. 15 girls, 1 shirtless man. It got very catty, very fast. Here’s where you can start taking swigs of your drink of choice… It was Crazy Michelle’s 30th Birthday. Which entitled her to time with Brad, a hissy fit, more attention than anyone else, and the only thing she wants for her birthday… Brad. He fell right into this trap, after she stormed off set… a hug, and a rose at the after party seemed to cheer her up. sigh…but that’s not all that went down on this date. The witchy Brunette Waxer and the Old Woman Blonde started a feud that would run it’s course through the episode and climax at the rose ceremony.

The last 1 on 1 was a Pretty Woman date with the artist form NY. She got gussied up, and treated to a night at the Hollywood Bowl with Train as the dinner entertainment (awkward!) Brad was scared by her ‘lack of dating experience’, but gave her a rose anyways.

At the Rose Ceremony, Ali and Roberto showed up for their extra 15 minutes of fame and gave their opinion on the girls of choice. Old Blonde WOman and Witchy Brunette had a brawl and the words “targeted’ flew around the room like a plague. Drama, Drama, Drama.

After all was said and done… both drama queens got the axe.

Thoughts? Any early favourites?

Monday TV: news and guide

10 01 2011

It’s Monday, and for those of you who already need a coffee break – there are some TV news items to speak of.

First, SNL was back in stride by inviting a COMEDIAN to host the show (I’m so sick of forcing the funny bone out of people who are naturally dull, line-readers with no discernible talent tother than to brush up nicely for photo shoots….) and Jim Carrey….is still funny! Who-da thunk with the garbage film roles he’s taken in the past decade or so… but the man is undeniably funny, and a serious talent in the world of comedy.

His monologe was nothing write home about, but is there anyone who can rock an SNL monologue anymore? It’s a tired opening if you ask me…

But then, he put on the leotards and killed a spoof of Black Swan. He was strong all the way through, and SNL was enjoyable on saturday… if you live in the USA, you can re-watch the sketches at . If you’re Canadian… I’m working on it!


The cast of the new season of Survivor has been released… all but 2 cast members have been revealed and photographed (see below) Nothing out of the ordinary, pharm reps, firefighters, ex-cops, law students, waitresses…etc. But Redemption Island is a brand new format – and I for one, am completely thrilled and excited for it! How can Survivor keep upping the entertainment value after 20-odd seasons… remarkable. Take that…Simpsons.

Here’s the whole gang.

But wait, there are two names missing?! That’s right, start the speculation. Will 2 ex-cast members be joining the group? Boston Rob and Russel‘ s names have already made their rounds around the rumour mill. What do you think? Find out more about the cast at


Bachelor returns tonight to totally cap off a long monday of MY OWN drama. Tonight, the first true ‘dates’ are held, and look out for the trend… the girl with the first one-on-one usually makes it pretty darn far in this ‘competition’… so who will it be tonight? And the insipid ‘plot summary’ on TV Guide says ‘tensions between the women heat up‘… no way. Sounds like my kind of show – are you ready for the fangs to come out? Like, literally?

Full recap tonight!

Have a great Monday and enjoy your TV Night.