Bachelorette Recap

14 06 2010

Who’da thunk…that there would be another line more annoying and ‘oversaid’ than “inappropriate relationship with a staffer”.

Tonight…that line is so last season, this seasons gem is “To guard and protect her heart”.

If you were drinking to THAT line… you will not have a fun morning, nor will you be conscious for the rose ceremony. I shouldve been counting….because seriously, someone in the editing room had a BALL inserting that line every 4 seconds in this episode. And, if you missed it…that line…also now a permanent fixture on Kaseys wrist. His Psychiatrist will have a lot of work to do when he gets home…

I thought I hated kasey for his voice….turns out, that’s his least annoying feature.

Looks like they are ‘featuring’ one guy every episode…last week it was the slimy wrestler, this week it’s the obsessive Kasey.

I think we ALL know who the front runners are at this point:

– Suave Roberto
– Nervous Ninny Frank
– Family oriented Chris
-Sexy haired Kirk

Nutjobs aside, She’s really got some good pickings… much better selection than Jake ever had.

Anyways, who will NOT be marrying Aly anytime soon?

Jesse and The Weatherman.

Should’ve gotten an indelible mark on your arm…dont you LOVE her?!