SAG Awards Wrap Up

31 01 2011

The SAG awards always creep up on me. Sandwiched between The Golden Globes, the DGA, OScar Noms and The Oscars – it gets a bit lost in the glitter. And last night, although awards were given out, and people dressed up to walk a carpet… it seemed a little bit useless. Just another night to dote on celebs and drop names.

There was ‘food’ on the table, but incidentally, I saw no one with lettuce in their teeth, or dabbing a napkin to their faces. It’s almost like the wafer-actresses weren’t eating. hmmm….

The opening was weak and the sound was off (at least, it was off from my vantage point in the great white north). In previous year, I’ve enjoyed the 15 second witticisms of the actors…. but this year, they  all looked a bit forced and passive-aggressive. Excessive money and no body fat can do that to you.

A tribute to Ernest Borgnine took up half of the festivities… Jack Nicholson lays in wait, for his shining moment to come. I’m a fan of good old fashioned Hollywood – but it seemed lengthy for an evening celebrating the year in achievement.

The usual suspects were there: Natalie ‘pregnant goddess’ Portman, Nicole ‘I just had a baby, sorta’ Kidman, Sophia ‘my boobs are bigger than yours’ Vergera, Helena ‘ this IS my dressed up’ Bonham Carter.. .and so on.

The usual suspects also walked away with awards, and attempted to spice up the evening with insipid humility speeches. Natalie Portman better brush up for the Oscar speech…seriously. Boring. Christian Bale is a little bit whacko, and might embarrass himself if he keeps winning these things.

Biggest surprise of the night was the nod to the ever-working, ever-effervescent Betty White. She is unstoppable, and in a show that doesn’t have a LOT of viewers, or laughable moments…she is the shining star.

The Kings Speech was the big winner of the night … so The Globes liked Facebook, but the Guild preferred History. Obviously, giving Betty White and Ernest Borgnine the night! So which will the Oscars favour?

SAG awards

weekend wrap party…

9 05 2010

it WAS a party…and I spent it infront of the tube, with my amazing mother:)

Saturday night was SNL-gasmic!
Holy Tina Fey-bulous! Holy Mya Rudolf-tastic! Holy Amy Poehler, Rachel Dratch and Molly Shannon all came back! and the hostess with the mostest…Betty (I’m 88…and?!) White!

My favourite moments of the night were: NPR and the Dusty Muffins, “She’s a lesbian” skit, “Really?!” with Seth Meyers, Amy Poehler and Tina Fey (the old gang back in fine form!), Tina fey/Betty white in a census taker skit (“ascertain…that was my stripper name…”)

Big ratings on saturdy night for SNL…biggest numbers for the show since the 2008 Tina Fey as Sarah Palin high.

Sunday was the finale (and the least exciting episode…) of the Amazing Race.
Sorry, maybe I’m bitter because my team didnt win. I’ll cut to the chase- The Gay Brothers won.
The promos promised a twist…something to throw the teams for a loop.

Nothin’. Nada. I saw no twists, turns, surprises at all. I was certainly waiting for something exciting to happen.

Celebrity Apprentice:
Holly is delusionally controlling, Cyndi is delusional AND entertaining…and I can no longer say anything bad about Bret (the man almost died last week…I’m giving him sanctuary until he’s healthier). I gave him alot of flak early on, but now, he’s becoming on of the most interesting people on the show, and someone who rides the line between creativity and tact…
Anyways, Sharon is still a rock star and won the task, sending Holly/Bret and Cyndi to duke it out infront of Trump. In the end (and after painful back and forth banter for close to 20 mins…) Smug unknown Holly finally got rid of the most creative energy in the competition…goodbye Cyndi. The best character on TV. sad day.

“Mother” of all TV Weekends…

7 05 2010

Heck of a weekend ahead folks – especially if you’re a mother and already have a reservation…anywhere.

But actually, you’ve got a tonne of reasons to be pumped for this next few days…

Here’s what I’m watching this weekend:

Playoffs: sports fans…the second round is heating up…teams are pulling ahead, teams are pulling even…teams are failing to rise to the occasion. Where does your team fall? All teams are playing at least one game this friday through sunday so check local listings to catch them all!

Jeopardy: If you know me, you know that my absolute favourite show is Jeopardy…seriously. I never try to foist my obession with the show onto my readers…but tonight is an exception. It is the finals of the Celebrity Jeopardy (non SNL version) Million Dollar tournament. That’s right…a million dollars to a charity tonight, and some steep competition. Tune in tonight at 7:30 in most areas!

SNL: My hands are shaking with excitement as I type this…last week was a teaser (re-run), but this week… the epoch and most anticipated episode of the season is upon us…BETTY WHITE hosts! EPIC Television…do not miss it!

Amazing Race: The finale! This sunday 3 teams go for the WIN in the race around the world. It’s Cowboys, against models, against Gay brothers… can it get much better than that? Tune in, Sunday night 8pm (take mom for an early dinner!)

I know what I’m doing this weekend… watching TV…with my mom.

Monday Tidbits

3 05 2010

Brief weekend recap:

Montreal beat Pittsburgh (series 1-1)
San Jose beat Detroit (series 2-0)
Vancouver beat Chicago (1-0)

SNL was a rerun! I tuned in for Betty White…only to be reminded, she’s on next week!

Amazing Race: The cops narrowly missed elimination last week…only to be (for real) eliminated THIS week.

Celebrity Apprentice: Cyndi is still a rockstar working with vanilla divas… one of them was fired (the swimmer?)

It’s kind of old news, but Nigel Lithgow has released a new format for everyone’s favourite dance show (in the summer). Top dancers will be paired with former top dancers instead of eachother. Here is the list of former pro’s that will be featured:

Ade Obayomi, Season 6

Allison Holker, Season 2

Anya Garnis, Season 3

Comfort Fedoke, Season 4

Courtney Galiano, Season 4

Dominic Sandoval, Season 3

Kathryn McCormick, Season 6

Lauren Gottlieb, Season 3

Mark Kanemura, Season 4

Neil Haskell, Season 3

Pasha Kovalev, Season 3

Twitch Boss, Season 4

Oh, It’s DWTS Monday— check back for a pre-cap this afternoon!

NOTE: New site you should take a look at…especially if you’re single, and looking for other singles (not creeps or trollers!)